Design Notes:
These images are layed out on top of each other in various opacities, also altering the saturation of the models to make them appear slightly more sepia in tone.
New York
The gothic facade image was used in a light opacity as a background to change the texture of the whole image.
The hue and saturation of the image was altered to make the palm trees appear orange and purple, and the models to appear tanner. The fabric was used as an overlay on the model who is laying down.
The starred image was used three times to create stars throughout the sky while still maintaining visible areas of clouds. I also cut out the Eiffle tower and pasted it into a new layer in order to put the trees into the background. I used the clone stamp tool to make the trees look less square and more like real trees, and also to create the sleeve and part of the models arm on the model with the black hair, so that her arm would not be missing like it was in the original photo. The pop-art image of the Eiffel Tower (pink lights) was overlayed to add a texture to the image.